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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: unidentified tuber

suula aat

I. N

1. bread,food unidentified tuber


  • Etnográfica:
    Literally "deer eggs" Yampi is a purple kind of slightly sweet, dry potato; there are lighter and darker varieties. More common farther north on the coast. Not grown by many Rama, but known and eaten time to time.
  • Léxica:
    Also "suula yaat."


I. N

1. food,plant unidentified tuber


  • Etnográfica:
    A small purple potato with a dry texture and very slightly sweet taste. Though some might say "purple yam," these are much smaller than yams which are huge in comparison. Yampi commonly grown Wiring Cay and south, not so much around Rama Cay. (Also more common farther up the coast....in both cases perhaps due to it having come from the Kriol community). For the most plentiful and best-tasting harvest, plant as follows: Plow up the ground and plant May-June (full moon said to be best for all planting). What you plant is the "seed," i.e., any small yampi you have dug up when you "hauled" the plant. If you want to keep these for a while before ou plant them, you must keep them on the "stick" and keep them wet. Plant where the vine can climb up. Don't harvest until the second dry season (around March).